#ifndef FUNCTIONS_H #define FUNCTIONS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // WoW, global variables and namespaces are awesome namespace global { namespace battery { inline bool showLowBatteryDialog; inline bool showCriticalBatteryAlert; inline bool batteryAlertLock; } namespace reader { inline int pageNumber; inline int bookNumber; inline bool skipOpenDialog; inline bool startBatteryWatchdog; inline bool startUsbmsPrompt; inline bool bookIsEpub; } namespace kobox { inline bool showKoboxSplash; inline bool koboxSettingsRebootDialog; inline bool resetKoboxUserDataBool; inline bool resetKoboxDialog; } namespace mainwindow { namespace tabSwitcher { inline bool repaint; inline bool appsWidgetCreated; inline bool appsWidgetSelected; inline bool settingsChooserWidgetCreated; inline bool settingsChooserWidgetSelected; } inline bool updateDialog; inline bool lowBatteryDialog; } namespace usbms { inline bool usbmsDialog; inline bool showUsbmsDialog; inline bool launchUsbms; inline bool koboxExportExtensions; } namespace settings { inline bool settingsRebootDialog; } namespace text { inline bool textBrowserDialog; inline QString textBrowserContents; } namespace keyboard { inline bool keyboardDialog; inline bool keypadDialog; inline bool searchDialog; inline bool vncDialog; inline bool wifiPassphraseDialog; inline QString keyboardText; inline QString keypadText; } namespace toast { inline QString message; inline bool wifiToast; inline bool modalToast; inline bool indefiniteToast; } inline QString systemInfoText; inline bool forbidOpenSearchDialog; inline bool isN705; inline bool isN905C; inline bool isN613; inline bool isN873; } // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6080853/c-multiple-definition-error-for-global-functions-in-the-header-file/20679534#20679534 namespace { QString checkconfig_str_val; QString deviceUID; QString device; QString batt_level; QString kernelVersion; int batt_level_int; int defaultEpubPageWidth; int defaultEpubPageHeight; bool checked_box = false; bool checkconfig(QString file) { QFile config(file); config.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QTextStream in (&config); const QString content = in.readAll(); std::string contentstr = content.toStdString(); if(contentstr.find("true") != std::string::npos) { return true; } else { return false; } config.close(); return 0; }; bool checkconfig_rw(QString file) { QFile config(file); config.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); QTextStream in (&config); const QString content = in.readAll(); std::string contentstr = content.toStdString(); if(contentstr.find("true") != std::string::npos) { return true; } else { return false; } config.close(); return 0; }; void setDefaultWorkDir() { QDir::setCurrent("/mnt/onboard/.adds/inkbox"); } int brightness_checkconfig(QString file) { QFile config(file); config.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); QTextStream in (&config); const QString content = in.readAll(); int content_int = content.toInt(); return content_int; config.close(); return 0; } void set_brightness(int value) { std::ofstream fhandler; fhandler.open("/var/run/brightness"); fhandler << value; fhandler.close(); } void set_brightness_ntxio(int value) { // Thanks to Kevin Short for this (GloLight) int light; if((light = open("/dev/ntx_io", O_RDWR)) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening ntx_io device\n"); } ioctl(light, 241, value); } int int_checkconfig(QString file) { QFile int_config(file); int_config.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QString valuestr = int_config.readAll(); int value = valuestr.toInt(); int_config.close(); return value; return 0; } int display_quote() { QDir::setCurrent(".config/05-quote"); QString quote_prog ("sh"); QStringList quote_args; quote_args << "quote.sh"; QProcess *quote_proc = new QProcess(); quote_proc->start(quote_prog, quote_args); quote_proc->waitForFinished(); QDir::setCurrent("/mnt/onboard/.adds/inkbox"); int quote_value = int_checkconfig(".config/05-quote/quote"); return quote_value; return 0; } void string_writeconfig(std::string file, std::string config_option) { std::ofstream fhandler; fhandler.open(file); fhandler << config_option; fhandler.close(); } void string_checkconfig(QString file) { checkconfig_str_val = ""; QFile config(file); config.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); QTextStream in (&config); checkconfig_str_val = in.readAll(); config.close(); } void string_checkconfig_ro(QString file) { checkconfig_str_val = ""; QFile config(file); config.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QTextStream in (&config); checkconfig_str_val = in.readAll(); config.close(); } void brightness_writeconfig(int value) { std::ofstream fhandler; fhandler.open(".config/03-brightness/config"); fhandler << value; fhandler.close(); } int get_brightness() { string_checkconfig_ro("/opt/inkbox_device"); if(checkconfig_str_val == "n613\n") { string_checkconfig_ro(".config/03-brightness/config"); int brightness; if(checkconfig_str_val == "") { brightness = 0; } else { brightness = checkconfig_str_val.toInt(); } return brightness; } else { QFile brightness("/var/run/brightness"); brightness.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QString valuestr = brightness.readAll(); int value = valuestr.toInt(); brightness.close(); return value; } return 0; } void get_battery_level() { QFile batt_level_file("/sys/devices/platform/pmic_battery.1/power_supply/mc13892_bat/capacity"); batt_level_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); batt_level = batt_level_file.readAll(); batt_level = batt_level.trimmed(); batt_level_int = batt_level.toInt(); batt_level = batt_level.append("%"); batt_level_file.close(); } void writeconfig(std::string file, std::string config) { std::ofstream fhandler; fhandler.open(file); fhandler << config << std::boolalpha << checked_box << std::endl; fhandler.close(); } bool checkconfig_match(QString file, std::string pattern) { QFile config(file); config.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); QTextStream in (&config); const QString content = in.readAll(); std::string contentstr = content.toStdString(); // Thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22516463/how-do-i-find-a-complete-word-not-part-of-it-in-a-string-in-c std::regex r("\\b" + pattern + "\\b"); std::smatch m; if(std::regex_search(contentstr, m, r)) { return true; } else { return false; } config.close(); return 0; }; bool isBatteryLow() { // Checks if battery level is under 15% of total capacity. get_battery_level(); if(batt_level_int <= 15) { return true; } else { return false; } return 0; } bool isBatteryCritical() { // Checks if the battery level is critical (i.e. <= 5%) get_battery_level(); if(batt_level_int <= 5) { return true; } else { return false; } return 0; } void zeroBrightness() { string_checkconfig_ro("/opt/inkbox_device"); if(checkconfig_str_val != "n613\n") { set_brightness(0); } else { set_brightness_ntxio(0); } } void poweroff(bool splash) { if(splash == true) { QString prog ("/sbin/poweroff"); QStringList args; QProcess *proc = new QProcess(); proc->start(prog, args); } else { QString prog ("/sbin/poweroff"); QStringList args; args << "no_splash"; QProcess *proc = new QProcess(); proc->start(prog, args); } } void reboot(bool splash) { if(splash == true) { QString prog ("/sbin/reboot"); QStringList args; if(global::kobox::resetKoboxUserDataBool == true) { args << "splash" << "reset_kobox"; } QProcess *proc = new QProcess(); proc->start(prog, args); } else { QString prog ("/sbin/reboot"); QStringList args; if(global::kobox::resetKoboxUserDataBool == true) { args << "no_splash" << "reset_kobox"; } else { args << "no_splash"; } QProcess *proc = new QProcess(); proc->start(prog, args); } } void getUID() { QString prog ("dd"); QStringList args; args << "if=/dev/mmcblk0" << "bs=512" << "skip=1" << "count=1" << "status=none"; QProcess *proc = new QProcess(); proc->start(prog, args); proc->waitForFinished(); deviceUID = proc->readAllStandardOutput(); deviceUID = deviceUID.left(256); } void getKernelVersion() { QString prog ("uname"); QStringList args; args << "-r"; QProcess *proc = new QProcess(); proc->start(prog, args); proc->waitForFinished(); kernelVersion = proc->readAllStandardOutput(); kernelVersion = kernelVersion.trimmed(); setDefaultWorkDir(); QString fifo_prog("sh"); QStringList fifo_args; fifo_args << "get_kernel_build_id.sh"; QProcess *fifo_proc = new QProcess(); fifo_proc->start(fifo_prog, fifo_args); fifo_proc->waitForFinished(); QThread::msleep(100); string_checkconfig_ro("/external_root/run/build_id"); QString kernelBuildID = checkconfig_str_val.trimmed(); kernelVersion.append(", build "); kernelVersion.append(kernelBuildID); } void getSystemInfo() { getUID(); getKernelVersion(); global::systemInfoText = "InkBox OS version "; string_checkconfig_ro("/external_root/opt/isa/version"); global::systemInfoText.append(checkconfig_str_val); global::systemInfoText.append(""); global::systemInfoText.append("
Device UID: "); global::systemInfoText.append(deviceUID); global::systemInfoText.append("
Kernel version: "); global::systemInfoText.append(kernelVersion); global::systemInfoText.append("
Device: "); string_checkconfig_ro("/opt/inkbox_device"); QString device = checkconfig_str_val.trimmed(); global::systemInfoText.append(device); } void resetKoboxUserData() { global::kobox::resetKoboxUserDataBool = true; reboot(true); } QString findEpubMetadata(QString book_file, QString metadata) { setDefaultWorkDir(); QString prog ("sh"); QStringList args; args << "find_epub_metadata.sh" << book_file << metadata; QProcess *proc = new QProcess(); proc->start(prog, args); proc->waitForFinished(); QString returnedMetadata = proc->readAllStandardOutput(); return returnedMetadata; } void defineDefaultPageSize() { string_checkconfig_ro("/opt/inkbox_device"); if(checkconfig_str_val == "n705\n") { defaultEpubPageWidth = 365; defaultEpubPageHeight = 365; } if(checkconfig_str_val == "n905\n") { defaultEpubPageHeight = 425; defaultEpubPageWidth = 425; } if(checkconfig_str_val == "n613\n") { defaultEpubPageHeight = 450; defaultEpubPageWidth = 450; } if(checkconfig_str_val == "n873\n") { defaultEpubPageHeight = 525; defaultEpubPageWidth = 525; } } void pre_set_brightness(int brightnessValue) { string_checkconfig_ro("/opt/inkbox_device"); if(checkconfig_str_val == "n705\n" or checkconfig_str_val == "n905\n") { set_brightness(brightnessValue); } else if(checkconfig_str_val == "n613\n") { set_brightness_ntxio(brightnessValue); } else { set_brightness(brightnessValue); } } void cinematicBrightness(int value, int mode) { /* mode can be 0 or 1, respectively * 0: Bring UP brightness * 1: Bring DOWN brightness */ if(mode == 0) { int brightness = 0; while(brightness != value) { brightness = brightness + 1; pre_set_brightness(brightness); QThread::msleep(30); } } else { int brightness = get_brightness(); while(brightness != 0) { brightness = brightness - 1; pre_set_brightness(brightness); QThread::msleep(30); } } } bool connectToNetwork(QString essid, QString passphrase) { std::string essid_str = essid.toStdString(); std::string passphrase_str = passphrase.toStdString(); string_writeconfig("/run/wifi_network_essid", essid_str); string_writeconfig("/run/wifi_network_passphrase", passphrase_str); string_writeconfig("/opt/ibxd", "connect_to_wifi_network\n"); int connectionSuccessful = 0; while(connectionSuccessful == 0) { if(QFile::exists("/run/wifi_connected_successfully")) { if(checkconfig("/run/wifi_connected_successfully") == true) { QFile::remove("/run/wifi_connected_successfully"); return true; } else { QFile::remove("/run/wifi_connected_successfully"); return false; } } else { QThread::msleep(100); } } } } #endif // FUNCTIONS_H